In Which I am Guest Poet at Gotta Book

One of the most fun things about getting involved in just about any community is getting to know other people who share your interests.

Unless it’s a community with a one sided interest like say… a community of people who love pelting other people with rotting skunks but who don’t necessarily enjoy being so abused themselves. In that case I think it’s probably best to avoid community.

But I digress.

Something great about discovering the writing community is getting exposed to people who share your interests in both reading and writing, and who sometimes Very Kindly invite you to contribute to their ah-Mayzing blogs.

Check out Gotta Book – the fabulous blog belonging to Greg Pincus today. I shared a poem from my upcoming verse novel, FREAKBOY, and nary a skunk was pelted.


Kristin Elizabeth Clark lives and writes in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Northern California. She hikes with her dog and reads to her cats… but she’s not one of THOSE people. Really. She has worked as a child advocate within the juvenile justice system, as a children’s theater producer, and is a proud volunteer at Project Outlet in Mountain View, California. Freakboy, her debut novel, was published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR) on October 22nd, 2013.